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Southern pulpwood production, 1968

Informally Refereed


Southern forests yielded 37,075,355 cords of pulpwood in 1968, shattering the 1967 record by 10 percent (fig. 1 ) . Roundwood production, which declined slightly in 1967, rose 9 percent in 1968 to 29,500,697 cords. The use of plant residues for pulp climbed 17 percent to a record 7,574,658 cord-equivalents. About 75 percent of the 3.4 million cord increase was in pine-46 percent in roundwood, and 29 percent in residues (fig. 2). The rest of the increase was in hardwoods, mostly roundwood.


Beltz, Roy C. 1969. Southern pulpwood production, 1968. Resour. Bull. SO-18. New Orleans, Louisiana: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 21 p.