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First county records of red crossbill in the pineywoods region of eastern Texas

Informally Refereed


The red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) is reported from western Texas as a scarce and sporadic breeder in the Guadalupe Mountains, and a probable rare or irregular nester in the Davis Mountains. It is also a rare and irregular winter visitor in many parts of the State. Red crossbills invaded much of Texas during the 1972-1973 winter. This invasion missed the pineywoods region east of the Trinity River, with the exception of a single sight record in Polk County. Several northern, seed-eating bird species, including the red crossbill, are well known for their irregular, irruptive movements. These movements are believed to coincide with times of food shortages in the species’ normal range.


Schaefer, Richard R. 1998. First county records of red crossbill in the pineywoods region of eastern Texas. Bulletin of Texas Ornithological Society. 31(2): 63-64.