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Site preparation treatments and nutrient loss following complete harvest csing the Nicholson-Koch mobile chipper

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Site disturbance, vegetation control, and nutrient loss were assessed following complete biomass harvesting of a pine plantation by the Nicholson-Koch mobile chipper. Thirty-two percent of the soil area was significantly compacted to a 10 cm depth. Litter zone material showed a two-fold increase due to chips lost during harvest. Herbicide treatments (Tordon 10K and Velpar Gridball) were applied following harvest. Tordon controlled 84 percent of the hardwood resprouts during the first growing season and Velpar 37%. Tension-cup and -plate lysimeters were used to monitor percolation losses from the soil. During the first 5 months, treatments accelerated losses of Ca, Mg, K, Na, PO4, NO3, SO4, and HCO3. Loss due to Tordon treatment was greater than chipping alone, for all nutrients analyzed.


Gordon, R.; Miller, James H.; Brewer, C. 1981. Site preparation treatments and nutrient loss following complete harvest csing the Nicholson-Koch mobile chipper. In: Barnett, J. P. ed. Proceedings, First Biennial Southern Silvicvltural Research Conference, 1981 November 6-7. Atlanta, GA. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-34. New Orleans, IA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 79-84.