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Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of wheel wingnut (Cyclocarya paliurus), an endemic in China

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The wheel wingnut (Cyclocarya paliurus) is an endemic species distributed in eastern and central China. Cyclocarya is a woody genus in the Juglandaceae used in medicine and horticulture. The complete chloroplast genome of C. paliurus was sequenced using the Illumina Hiseq 2500 platform. The total genome length was 160,562 bp comprised of a large single copy (LSC) region of 90,007 bp, an inverted region A (IRa) of 26,039 bp, a short single copy (SSC) region of 18,477 bp, and an inverted region B (IRb) region of 26,039 bp. The genome consisted of 137 annotation genes, with 80 unique coding regions and nine coding regions which were repeated in the inverted region. Among these, 40 unique tRNAs with nine duplications, and 4 rRNAs were all duplicated in the IR region. An analysis of chloroplast phylogeny strongly supported the placement of C. paliurus near to Juglans regia.


Wheel wingnut, Illumina sequencing, Complete chloroplast genome, Phylogenetic


Hu, Yiheng; Yan, Jing; Feng, Xiaojia; Dang, Meng; Woeste, Keith E.; Zhao, Peng. 2017. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of wheel wingnut (Cyclocarya paliurus), an endemic in China. Conservation Genetics Resources. 9(2): 273-275.