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The mites (acari) associated with bark beetles in the Koli National Park in Finland

Informally Refereed


Thirty-three taxa associated with Ips typographus were identified, of which fifteen species were phoretic. The most abundant species were Insectolaelaps quadrisetus (Mesostigmata), Siculobata lentonycha (Oribata), Diapterobates humeralis (Oribata), Ereymetes propescutulis (Prostigmata), Aetiophenax ipidarius (Prostigmate), and an unidentified species of Nanacarus (Astigmata). Eight species - I quadrisetus, Proctolaelaps fiseri, Trichouropoda polytricha, Mexecheles virginiensis, A. ipidarius, E. propescutulis, Bonomota pini, and Boletoglyphus boletophagi - and four genera - Nanacarus, Elattoma, Schwiebia, and Parawinterschmidtia - were new taxa in Finland.


Acari, phoresy, bark beetles, Ips typographus, Europe


Penttinen, Ritva; Viiri, Heli; Moser, John C. 2013. The mites (acari) associated with bark bettles in the Koli National Park in Finland. Acarologia 53(1):3-15.