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Direct Seeding of Southern Oaks - A Progress Report

Informally Refereed


Since 1981 over 4,000 acres of publicly and privately owned land, mostly in flood plains, have been direct seeded with acorns. Most seedings have been in abandoned farm land, the rest in forest openings created by commercial tree harvest. Cost data associated with a few of the production trials are presented in this paper. Also included are discussions of production methodology developed for direct seeding by land managers using information gathered through research on collection and storage of acorns, depth and timing of sowing, rodent damage, germination, seedling growth, and competition.


Johnson, Robert L.; Krinard, Roger M. 1987. Direct Seeding of Southern Oaks - A Progress Report. In: Proceedings of the fifteenth annual hardwood symposium of the hardwood research council: applying the latest research to hardwood problems. Broomall, PA: USDA-Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. 10-16.