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Effects of Fenvalerate and Azinphosmethyl on Scale Insects and Their Natural Enemies in Loblolly Pine Seed Orchards

Informally Refereed


Ground applications of azinphosmethyl caused significant mortality of the scale insects Tourneyella pini (King), Pseudophilippia quaintancii Cockerell, and Oracella acuta (Lobdell), whereas aerial applications did not. Fenvalerate applications generally did not cause significant mortality, and alternating applications of the two insecticides produced infestations intermediate between those treated only with azinphosmethyl or fenvalerate. Parasitism and predation rates were sometimes significantly lowered by insecticide applications.


Pyrethroids, Tourneyella pini, oracella acuta, Pseudophilippia quantancii, secondary pests


Clarke, Stephen R.; DeBarr, Gary L.; Berlsford, C. Wayne. 1990. Effects of Fenvalerate and Azinphosmethyl on Scale Insects and Their Natural Enemies in Loblolly Pine Seed Orchards. Res. Pap. SE-279. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. 16 p.