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Analysis of genetic and environmental effects on hybrid poplar rooting in Central and Northern Minnesota, USA

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We studied genetic and environmental effects on adventitious root initiation and growth because rooting is biologically prerequisite to the establishment of hybrid poplar plantations. Six clones from two pedigrees (pure Populus deltoides "cottonwoods" and P. deltoides x P. maximowiczii hybrids) were tested at two sites (Alexandria and Fertile, Minnesota, USA) and three planting dates (mid-May, late-May, mid-June, 1999).


Zalesny, Ronald S., Jr.; Riemenschneider, Don; Bauer, Edmund. 2000. Analysis of genetic and environmental effects on hybrid poplar rooting in Central and Northern Minnesota, USA. In: Isebrands, J.G.; Richardson, J., comps. 21st session of the international poplar commission (IPC 2000): poplar and willow culture: meeting the needs of society and the environment; 2000 September 24-28; Vancouver, WA. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-215. St. Paul, MN; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station: 211.[Abstract].