Ecological and Economic Consequences of the 1998 Florida Wildfires
This now-concluded study was part of a broader grant titled “Ecological and Economic Consequences of the 1998 Florida Wildfires,” funded in 1999 to Sue Grace and Dale Wade by the Joint Fire Science Program.
Our objective in this project was to use the recent history of wildfire in Florida to evaluate the efficacy of fuel reduction treatment policies and programs for reducing the economic impacts of catastrophic forest fires. To achieve this objective, we applied spatial and econometric analysis to the 1998 fire season in northeastern Florida and to a multi-decade analysis of fire patterns across the State.
- Pye, J.M.; Prestemon, J.P.; Butry, D.T. and Abt, K.L. 2003. Prescribed burning and wildfire risk in the 1998 fire season in Florida. Pages 15-26 In: P.N. Omi and L.A. Joyce (eds.). Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration: conference proceedings. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Proceedings RMRS-P-29.
- Holmes, T.P.; Prestemon, J.P.; Pye, J.M.; Butry, D.T.; Mercer, D.E. and Abt, K.L. 2003. Using size-frequency distributions to analyze fire regimes in Florida. Fire in temperate, boreal and montane ecosystems, Proceedings of the Tall Timbers 22nd Fire Ecology Conference. Kananaskis Village, Alberta, Canada, October 15-18, 2001.
- Butry, D.T.; Pye, J.M. and Prestemon, J.P. 2002. Prescribed fire in the interface: separating the people from the trees. In: K.W. Outcalt (Ed.) Proceedings of the eleventh biennial southern silvicultural research conference. Knoxville, TN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS–48. 622 pp.
- Butry, D.T.; Mercer, D.E.; Prestemon, J.P.; Pye, J.M. and Holmes, T.P. 2001. What is the price of catastrophic wildfire? Journal of Forestry 99(11):9-17.