Economic Impacts of Wood Related Sectors in the US South
Wood-related industries contribute to the economy of all 13 southern states, to varying degrees. The wood-related industries include the forestry and logging sector, the wood-products manufacturing sector, the paper manufacturing sector, and the furniture manufacturing sector. Using a combination of data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and results from an input-output model (IMPLAN), we have prepared a website that allows users to see and compare annual trends by state and industry by using Tableau software ‘visualizations’. These visualizations include income and jobs for each of the states and industries from 1990 to 2011, and also include the total contribution of the industries to the state economies from the input-output modeling. This information is of specific interest to state forestry agencies as they promote forests and wood processing in their states.
Use the links below to find out more about the economic impact that the various wood-related industries have on the state economies of the US south. The wood-related industries include the forestry and logging sector (NAICS 113), the wood-products manufacturing sector (NAICS 321), the paper manufacturing sector (NAICS 322), and the furniture manufacturing sector (NAICS 337). For information about how we aggregated these sectors, please see this spreadsheet.
- Role of wood related industries in state economies, 2011
- Wood related industries over time by state, 1990-2011
- Comparison of all wood related industries over time, by industry and by state, 1990-2011
- Contribution of wood related industries to states, 2009-2010
- Source data
- Deflation
Role of wood related industries in state economies, 2011
This visualization compares the size of different industries, in terms of employment and income, at several different scales and industry combinations for the year 2011 based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Select the state or states you are interested in by clicking on individual states on the map, or by click-dragging a box around them. You can also make multiple selections by holding down the Control key while clicking on individual states. Select the unit you are interested in, employment or income, by using the radio buttons at the top of the visualization.
Click here to link directly to this visualization in Tableau.
Wood related industries over time by state, 1990-2011
This visualization presents the full time series of the employment and income measures for all of the wood-related industries for the thirteen southern states for the years 1990-2011, based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Use the buttons to the right of the chart to select the unit, industry and state(s) to view.
Click here to link directly to this visualization in Tableau.
Comparison of all wood related industries over time, by industry and by state, 1990-2011
This visualization is a more detailed view of the previous visualization and has two charts presenting employment and income values for the various wood related industries. There is a full time series summed across states on the left and a single-year view of all of the states individually on the right. Selections made to the unit and industry will change both charts. Select the state(s) of interest for the full time series and the year of interest for the single-year view. Note that you can select segments of the bar chart to get detailed values, and you can also select a single year for the time series chart (click on a year along the x-axis) to get the sum of that year’s observations. The same is true for the states along the y-axis of the single-year chart.
Click here to link directly to this visualization in Tableau.
Contribution of wood related industries to states, 2009-2010
This visualization presents the direct and total effects as a percentage of the economy that the wood-related economies have on the economies of the southern states in terms of employment, gross regional product (GRP), and income. Direct effects refer to the changes in employment, GRP, or income that occur due to the direct actions (hiring, spending, etc.) of a given industry. Total effects are the sum of these direct effects and the other ‘multiplier’ effects (induced and indirect) as that industry’s demand ripples through the local economy. This visualization consists of two charts, a bar chart for a single state at the top and a bar chart for all of the states, the southeast, and U.S. as a whole at the bottom. The year selection changes both charts, the state selection changes the top chart, and the unit selection changes the bottom chart.
Click here to link directly to this visualization in Tableau.
Source Data
Most of these visualizations are based on yearly income and employment data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The exception is the visualization of “Contribution of wood related industries to states, 2009-2010” which summarizes the results of our impact analysis based on input-output modeling using IMPLAN software. The source data for all of the visualizations are here and can also be downloaded directly from the visualizations.
All income values for the visualizations using BEA data are in constant 2005 dollars using the GDP deflators from the St. Louis Federal Reserve. The income values for the “Contribution” visualization are in current year dollars.