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Financial Incentive Programs for Non-Industrial Private Forest Owners
John Greene, Steve Daniels, Mike Jacobson, Mike Kilgore and Tom Straka
funding for this study was provided by the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry
This collection of web pages allows easy access to information on cost-share, tax, and other financial incentive programs available to nonindustrial private forest owners in each state. Search for programs by state, or see listings of federal, state or private programs nationwide. Each listing offers a link to that program's web site. Timber tax fact sheets are also provided for each state.
Data were collected in 2006 using a mailed survey of key management assistance foresters in state forestry agencies nationwide. The appropriate individual in each state to receive the survey questionnaire was identified using a networking approach. The questionnaire asked the recipients to name, describe, and evaluate the federal, state and private financial incentive programs available to non-industrial private forest owners in their own state, as well as any private programs in neighboring states that they were aware of. The questionnaire was sent to the identified management assistance foresters in March 2005, using the Dillman Tailored Design Method. Follow-up telephone calls and e-mails ensured that a completed questionnaire was received from each state. Program links were identified by means of an internet search; the search also identified additional programs.
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18-JAN-2010 Information for states in the southeastern States were updated, specifically: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.