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Forest Economics and Policy Research Unit

Data and Tools

This section of our site offers the building blocks of our research, the data and models we use to test hypotheses rather than the more refined results reported under our Products section. These materials are intended to fuel additional investigations by others, we hope you find them useful. Each dataset includes a description of its meaning, scope, and quality but users are encouraged to check with the listed references or contacts to ensure the data are used properly.

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click for more Southern Pine Beetle Outbreak Data HTML Southwide by state and county 1960 to 2004
click for more U.S. Wood-Using Mill Locations - 2005 with street address, FIPS and census tract ID's E00, DBF, and shapefiles with metadata
18 KB to 1.8 MB
point locations, continental U.S. and by region one observation, data as recent as 2005, some as old as 1992
click for more listing of web sites which offer stumpage and delivered log prices HTML continental U.S. by State quarterly to annual over various lengths of time
click for more GIS coverages of 2000 chipmill locations with street address, FIPS and census tract ID's E00, DBF, shapefiles 13 KB to 64 KB point locations, Southern U.S. one observation, data collected 2000
click for more GIS coverages of 1998 chipmill locations with street address, FIPS and census tract ID's E00, DBF, shapefiles 13 KB to 77 KB point locations, Southern U.S. one observation, data collected 1998
click for more GIS coverages of forest product mill locations 1999 with street address, FIPS and census tract ID's E00, DBF, shapefiles 29 KB to 2.5 MB point locations, Eastern U.S. one observation, data collected 1992-1998 (varies by state)
click for more Acreage by broad forest type, and for pine plantations by ownership DBF 364 KB,
CSV 135 KB
county resolution, Southwide 2-3 survey cycles 1972-1995
click for more Timber Mart South price conversion weights to adjust for altered reporting regions over time Excel95 49 KB,
2-3 TMS reporting units per State, Southwide single set of weights applicable to monthly or quarterly prices 1976-1991
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Keys 1995 First Approximation
GIS coverages and descriptive tabular information on ecozones of the Eastern U.S.
Zip files of shapefiles and Arc coverages from Keys, Carpenter, Hooks and others. 1995. Ecological Units of the Eastern United States: First Approximation. CD-ROM. USDA Forest Service. Eastern United States one observation but based on long term climate and vegetation types
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(via another site)
Quick-Silver analyzes cost and benefit flows for a variety of forest investments or operations Win95/98/NT program
by M.Vasievich,
NC Research Station
Stand-level (Project) with batch mode options multiple rotations
modified: 9-MAR-2004
created by: John M. Pye
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