About Us
Our Mission: To advance understanding of the relationship between natural and human-caused disturbances and economic values, how those disturbances can be managed to reduce undesired impacts on society and ecosystems, and how disturbances and their management affect different parts of the economy; to examine how public and private forestland management is affected by government policies and private sector institutions, including taxes, subsidies, certification, and forest governance, and quantify how these policies and institutions affect the provision of ecosystem goods and services; and to characterize domestic and international supply and demand for forest products in the United States and globally, including how domestic and international policies, climate, and technology affect these markets, and to develop, deploy, and test new models of land use that are more accurate and operationally useful for evaluating the effects of land market, biophysical, and policy factors affecting land use choices.
You can view our Unit Charter document here (PDF; 364 KB), or browse all the Research Work Unit Charters on this page.