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Comprehensive Outlook for Managed Pines Using Simulated Treatment Experiments-Planted Loblolly Pine (COMPUTE_P-LOB): A User's Guide

Informally Refereed


Complete instructions for user operation of COMPUTE_P-LOB to include detailed examples of computer input and output, of a growth and yield prediction system providing volume and weight yields in stand and stock table format.A complete program listing is provided.


PinustaedaL., volume predictions, weight predictions, unthinned or thinned plantation yields, Weibull distribution, diameter distribution moments, parameter recovery, problem free sites, FORTRAN computer program.


Ferguson, R.B.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr. 1987. Comprehensive Outlook for Managed Pines Using Simulated Treatment Experiments-Planted Loblolly Pine (COMPUTE_P-LOB): A User''s Guide. Res. Pap. SO-241. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 64 p.