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Effects of silvicultural practice and moisture content level on lobolly pine veneer mechanical properties

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Loblolly pine veneer specimens were obtained from five silviculturally different stands. Clear specimens were cut parallel to the grain from full size veneer sheets and tests were done at either air-dry or ovendry conditions to determine differences in bending modulus of rupture (MORb), bending modulus of elasticity (MOEb), tensile modulus of elasticity (MOEt), and tensile strength (TS). A statistical analysis revealed no significant difference between the stands for MORb, MOEb, and MOEt. There were no significant differences between air-dry and ovendry properties of MOEb, TS, and MOEt. Bending properties were significantly correlated, as were tensile properties.


Shupe, Todd F.; Hse, Chung-Yun; Choong, Elvin T.; Groom, Leslie H. 1998. Effects of silvicultural practice and moisture content level on lobolly pine veneer mechanical properties. Forest Products Journal 47(11/12):92-96