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Hemlock infestation and mortality: impacts on nutrient pools and cycling in Appalachian forests

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Eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière] trees serve an important ecological role in riparian ecosystems in the southern Appalachians. Significant hemlock mortality is occurring due to infestation by the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) (Adelges tsugae Annand), a non-native invasive pest. Our objective was to quantify the impacts of HWA and hemlock mortality on nutrient cycling pools and processes. In 2004, we established eight research plots in riparian areas with >50% basal area in hemlock and four reference plots in riparian areas without hemlock (hardwood). All hemlock plots were infested with HWA. In four of the hemlock plots, all hemlock trees were girdled to induce defoliation and rapid mortality. By fall 2006, there was 90 and 10% mortality in the girdled and nongirdled hemlock plots, respectively. Measurements included soil temperature and moisture, nutrient pools, N transformations, litterfall and forest floor amount and chemistry, and throughfall and soil solution chemistry. From 2004 to 2008, litterfall composition changed, with an initial increase in the hemlock needle percentage followed by a decline. Hemlock plots had cooler spring soil temperatures than hardwood plots. Hemlock plots had greater surface soil and forest floor total C than hardwood plots; soil C content did not change during the 4 yr of measurement. There were no differences in N mineralization rates or soil solution N concentrations among treatments. Differences between litterfall and forest floor nutrient contents in hemlock and hardwood plots suggest that as hemlocks are replaced by hardwood species, nutrient cycling rates and processes will be similar to hardwood reference plots.


HWA, hemlock wooly adelgid


Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Vose, James M.; Clinton, Barton D.; Hunter, Mark D. 2011. Hemlock infestation and mortality: impacts on nutrient pools and cycling in Appalachian forests. Soil Science Society of America 75(5):1935-1945.