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Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: nitrogen responses in soil, soil water, and streams

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Few studies have examined the consequences of site preparation burning in an ecosystem context. As Swift et al. (1993) explain in detail, a major study is being conducted in the southern Appalachians to understand the effects of a fell and bum site preparation treatment on basic ecosystem processes and the integrated response to disturbance. The intent is to determine whether site preparation goals are met without adversely affecting long-term site productivity. This paper examines the influence of the site preparation treatment on soil nitrogen (N) content and transformations and soil and stream water N during the first year after treatment.


Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Swank, Wayne T. 1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: nitrogen responses in soil, soil water, and streams. Can. J. For. Res. 23: 2263-2270. 8p.