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How to identify and manage oak wilt in Texas

Informally Refereed


Transporting unseasoned firewood from diseased red oaks is a potential means of spreading the oak wilt fungus. Oak wilt cannot be transmitted by burning infected firewood, but fungal mats may form on firewood in storage. Presently, no vectors have been proven to transmit the fungus from live oaks to other oak trees, but diseased wood fromany oak species should never be stored near healthy oak trees unless precautions are taken. It is best to purchase wood that has been thoroughly dried for at least one full year. If firewood from diseased trees is stored near healthy oak trees, it should be covered with clear plastic with the edges buried to prevent insects from leaving the pile.


Appel, D.N.; Cameron, R.S.; Wilson, A.D.; Johnson, J.D. 2008. How to identify and manage oak wilt in Texas. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC. Special Report How-To SR-1, 8 p.