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Assessment of Forest Insect Conditions at Opax Mountain Silviculture Trail

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Forest management in British Columbia requires that all resource values are considered along with a variety of appropriate management practices. For the past l00 years, partial-cutting practices were the method of choice whenharvesting in Interior Douglas-fir (IDF) zone ecosystems. Along with a highly effective fire suppression program and minimal stand tending, these practices have created new and distinct stand structures. These range from low-density stands of uniform height to variable-density, multi-layered stands with patchy distributions of tree clumps and canopy gaps.


Miller, Dan; Maclauchlan, Lorraine. 1998. Assessment of Forest Insect Conditions at Opax Mountain Silviculture Trail. Managing the Dry Douglas-fir Forests of the Southern Interior: Workshop Proceedings, April 29-30, Kamloops, British Columbia